MOTHER'S DAY — The Vintage Round Top


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1450 North Hwy 237
Round Top, Tx 77429


 A haven for hip and unique lodging, Home rental, Antique, European and vintage shopping. inspired living that marries style, sustainability, and soul. We invite you to shop our worldly treasures, stay in our Round Top, TX home rental, and follow our journey as we aspire to live "A Modern Vintage Life." 

Paige's Blog

Lodging, Lifestyle, and Decor


Paige Hull

This Mother's Day, I reflect on how quickly time flies. It seems like it was just yesterday that this photo was taken. But in fact, it's been almost eight years. We'll have one in college, one in middle school, and one in elementary next year. Just seems impossible to utter those words.  

The photo below is our crew now - it was taken at our Marburger booth last month. 



I'm so thankful for the opportunity to experience motherhood with three healthy, vibrant, and wonderful children and to do it with the help an extraordinary, kind, and loving husband.

Smoot and I decided early on that traveling as a family would be "our thing". Our growing business has provided quite a few family trips but has also added the challenge of balancing work and motherhood. It's a tough and a constant battle. Therefore, building as many memories as we can - is our number one goal.     

Memories are what we are left with when our loved ones leave us behind. My mom passed six years ago unexpectedly. This was the last photo I have of her blowing out her candles on her 80th birthday with our two youngest children. One week later, she was gone.  

We are very clear that our children will not remember the presents they received while young but will remember the moments we shared, the travel we did together, and will appreciate the photos we leave behind to remember it by. 

Motherhood is not easy or for the faint of heart. However, it is a remarkable journey for which I am thankful to God to get to experience! It's taught me to appreciate my own mother's journey even more than I already did. Oh... to walk in another's shoes.

I love, respect and miss you Mom! Happy Mother's Day! 
