Paige Hull
Smoot and I are thrilled to announce we've hired Natalie Lacy Lange as our new Creative Assistant!
To round out our team, we're seeking an up and coming, energetic creative to assist us.
The opening is a paid, part-time internship with the potential for growth. This dynamic position includes administrative, marketing, product development, web shop updating, graphic design, event execution and so much more.
You will need to work from our Cypress, Texas office at least one to two days a week.
You must be organized and posses good administrative skills. This is a fast pace
environment so effective multi-tasking is required.
Must have strong writing and proof-reading skills.
Must have training or experience in:
Microsoft Word
Photoshop or InDesign
All Social Media and Creative Communication Platforms
Squarespace knowledge is a plus!
Marketing and Graphic Design skills are a plus!
To Apply:
Email your resume to and why you feel you'd be the best candidate for this exciting opportunity! Please include work portfolios and writing examples.