Paige Hull
Family Memories
In Our Hearts and On Film
Having worked at a modeling agency for the first 22 years of my career, it was natural that I gravitated towards elaborate photo sessions for my family. It all began ten years ago, right after I left Page Parkes Models to become a full time Mom. It was the first Christmas after we had Pierce. We hired Debbie Porter, a fashion photographer and good friend to capture our family. Pierce was four months old, Cameron was five. We still have photos of the two of them on our wall from that shoot. Debbie and I collaborated on how to achieve an artsy result. We chose a black background and black clothing to contrast our blonde hair. I remember looking at them the first time and being filled with joy. Our family was growing and we had beautiful photographs to remember that slightly hectic day by. We did not know it would become a Hull tradition each year...but we are glad that it did!
Photo Credit: Debbie Porter
Our 2012 Family Christmas Card
Ten years later, Debbie is still taking our family photos. We decided to take them at The Vintage Round Top this year. It was a great opportunity to spend an afternoon together in the beautiful country. It also allowed us to include our new venture in the Christmas card that we send to our friends and family.
We invited Tonya Riner, also a good friend and an amazing hair & makeup artist as well as James Waters to help style the shoot. We had another reason to bring James to Round Top...but that's for another post.
Over 20 years ago, the three of us all worked together at Page Parkes Models. It was a warm and wonderful experience to work together again and we got some really fun shots to mark 2012 by.
James Waters, Tonya Riner, Debbie Porter
Photo Credit: Debbie Porter
Subsequently, Debbie was asked to do a segment on KHOU's Great Day Houstonwith Debra Duncan about Christmas family photo sessions. She asked us to participate since we had so many years of examples to show. The kids were understandably excited to be "on TV" and more excited that they got to skip about two hours of school. These are our past two years of Christmas cards that were shown.
We took these shots in our breakfast nook. Poor Cameron was a huge trooper. She had come down with a virus the night before and had a slight fever. You would never know it from the pictures. This was one of our favorite cards.
Photo Credit: Debbie Porter
We shot these in Debbie's loft studio near downtown Houston. We had decided to get a little more dressy than ususal but go barefoot. In the middle of the shoot, Debbie turned on the fan. Needless to say, we got a lot of "feedback" for our wind-blown look. It was not part of our original plan but that's the fun of collaborating. You never know what you are going to get until you see the film.
So, the moral of the story is...our kids will some day look back at our cards and remember what was going on in our lives at the time... and what color and style their crazy, over the top Mom had chosen for that year.
Smoot and I will look back on them and remember every detail of our beautful children's lives and reflect on how blessed we were to call one another family.
We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Joyous New Year!