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1450 North Hwy 237
Round Top, Tx 77429


 A haven for hip and unique lodging, Home rental, Antique, European and vintage shopping. inspired living that marries style, sustainability, and soul. We invite you to shop our worldly treasures, stay in our Round Top, TX home rental, and follow our journey as we aspire to live "A Modern Vintage Life." 

Paige's Blog

Lodging, Lifestyle, and Decor


Paige Hull

The Vintage Round Top Fall 2021 Business, Branding + Social Media Online Workshop with Jasmine Roth, Laurie Furber, Ginny Macdonald, Alexis Garrett, Heather Bullard and Smoot + Paige Hull.

For those wanting to take their business to the next level, there is no doubt that the latest fresh face from HGTV—Jasmine Roth—is doing just that. The DIY designer has taken her incredible hand-working ability and applied her head-smarts with a keen business sense. She has transformed homes on HGTV’s Hidden Potential, and now is the host on HGTV’s Help! I Wrecked My House, where she comes to the rescue for DIY efforts that didn’t exactly “nail it.” (Think a Pinterest Fail...we’ve all been there.)

Of course, Jasmine’s ability to turn a major OOPS into something awesome and beautiful, with a positive attitude and a smile have generated a meaningful following. Jasmine is right on the edge of becoming a household name, and that kind of business transition is major. It’s easy to think it just happens, but as they say, success is preparation meeting opportunity. And when opportunity knocks, there is still good reason to be intentional, methodical, and judicious, and that is why Jasmine is our headliner for our 7th Business, Branding, & Social Media Workshop.

Jasmine’s first book, House Story: Insider Secrets to the Perfect Home Renovation, publishes on October12, 2021, and we are lucky enough to be a featured stop on her book tour with PaperCity at their venue The Halles on the evening of October 25, 2021, before Jasmine makes an appearance at the Marburger Fall Antique Show on October 26, 2021. And no surprise that every minute will be full because Jasmine will be filming with us as a part of our online study workshop during the day on October 25 from our Boho property. New book for Jasmine, new formats for us at The Vintage Round Top! After six years of successful Business, Branding, & Social Media workshops in person, this year we are moving to a self-study virtual format. We’ll have a series of six (6), 30-45 min. online modules that will be pre-recorded during the Fall Antique Show. We’re especially excited about catching Jasmine during this significant business transition, hear how she’s managing, and focus on how she is living with intention (our motto!) within her growth.

We were fortunate to connect with Jasmine through Claire Bamundo of Greenspan Marketing who we met through author and photographer Alyssa Rosenheck. Alyssa happens to have been a speaker at a past Business, Branding, and Social Media workshop of ours.

The business lessons are ones we hold true to with every endeavor:

1) Do a good job the first time

2) Make strong first impressions

3) Be a graceful, willing, collaborator because relationships are everything. And strong relationships lead to strong referrals.

Enter Jasmine!

We’re looking forward to hosting a thorough conversation with Jasmine that gives a comprehensive picture of then to now, and how she got there, including hard decisions she made as she has established her brand. As we look to our key topics, here’s what you can expect from the course section dedicated

Come learn…

• How she turned rescuing her own home renovation project into a major life change and career

• What have been the biggest challenges to building her brand and how she overcame them

• How she was “discovered” by HGTV on Instagram and uses social media to boost her brand

• Her philosophy on failure and why it can be a gift

• How she balances work, family and the new baby!!

• What’s next for Jasmine’s rising star and how she plans to take her brand to the next level

And…so much more!!!

The Vintage Round Top’s 7th Business, Branding, & Social Media Workshop will be a self-study online course, filmed October 25, 2021 at the Boho property at The Vintage Round Top, featuring the following speakers: Jasmine Roth, HGTV Host, Author & Home Builder; Alexis Garrett, Interior Designer; Ginny Macdonald, Interior Designer; Heather Bullard, Prop Stylist & Business Coach; Jeanne Oliver, Artist, Author & Coach; Laurie Furber, Founder & Creative Director Elsie Green; Moderated by and special intro segment from Paige + Smoot Hull, Founders, Speakers & Designers.

The course and its six-modules will be available in mid-November and emailed to registered participants. Please purchase your ticket by registering for the course below. Early bird pricing will be available through October 25, 2021.

Photo Credits: 1st image: Dabito, 2nd image: via @jasminerothofficial
